How to Delete an Invoice in QuickBooks?

Delete an invoice in quickbooks

Business-related financial status can be easily managed by the accounting tool, QuickBooks. It helps manage taxes, income and expenses, cash flow forecasting, invoices, etc.

In the backdate, the payments made between a seller and a buyer were recorded in the written documents. However, after introducing QuickBooks, business owners can record transactions in the form of invoices. Sometimes, when creating invoices, you make mistakes and want to reconcile or fix them. So, in today’s blog, you will learn about invoices, their types, and how to delete an invoice in QuickBooks. let’s get started.

What is the Meaning of Delete an Invoice in Quickbooks

An invoice is a transactional record between a buyer and a seller to record transactions. A company or business generates invoices for their customers to record sales. It monitors cash flow and tracks customer’s obligations to pay. Deleting an invoice means you clear all the information related to the invoice like invoice number, customer’s name, etc. Deleting invoices in Quickbooks means permanently removing the data from the company’s files. Recovering deleted transactions is only possible for Quickbooks desktop or Quickbooks desktop Mac plus users not for Quickbooks Online users. So remember to back up your data earlier before making any changes.

Types of Invoice in Quickbooks

Here is a list of some common kinds of invoices:

  • Debit Invoice: When a company is required to raise the amount for their client instead of additional services and products. Then this invoice is created.
  • Interim Invoice: It is issued when the cost of a big project breaks down into small amounts or partial amounts.
  • Recurring Invoice: When the same product and service are offered to the customer consistently then, the same invoice is created and sent to them at regular intervals. For instance, weekly and monthly then this recurring invoice is generated.
  • Credit Invoice: When a company offers a discount or refund to their customer, a credit invoice is issued. Sometimes a negative amount is included in an invoice to cover the cost of the amount that has to be returned to the client.     

Needs to Delete an invoice in Quickbooks

In many scenarios, you need to delete invoices in quickbooks. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • When you accidentally generated an invoice before receiving the payment. in this case, you need to delete an invoice in quickbooks.
  • To manage and save the data in a structured manner.
  • when you mistakenly write the wrong value and quantity of the item in the invoice.
  • Delete the irrelevant invoices to minimize the weighty files of the company.                      

How Do You Delete an Invoice in QuickBooks

If you have made any mistakes while creating an invoice then you have two options to rectify them:

  • Delete:- If you opt to delete option then it will clear away your invoice in QuickBooks. This invoice will not show up in your accounts or reports. 
  • Void:- If you choose to void your invoice, your books will not be affected and the records will remain in your QuickBooks.

Making such changes in the invoices will not affect your financial reports or balances. Some transaction types cannot be voided but you can delete all kinds of invoices. Such as:

  • Vendor credits
  • Deposits
  • Delayed charges
  • Estimates
  • Bills
  • Purchase orders

Quickbooks Delete Invoice Procedure

Here are a few steps that clear your doubt about how to delete an invoice in Quickbooks:

Step 1: Go to option “Sales” in the menu section and click “All Sales”. 

Step 2: Now click on “Invoices”.

Step 3: Select those Invoices from the invoice list that you want to delete.

Step 4: Now move to the “Action” column and click on the “Dropdown”.

Step 5: From the Dropdown you can select “Delete” or “Void”

Note:- In case, you want to delete or void multiple invoices at one time then you can choose the option “Batch Actions”

step 6: To review the deleted invoice

  • Click on the menu option and select the Report Option.
  • Press the Accountant and taxes
  • Hit the Deleted/Voided transaction summary button.
Other Ways to Deleting Invoices in QuickBooks
  1. You can take the help of a professional expert or you can find a ProAdvisor. If you want to get connected with ProAdvisor then click on this link
  2. You can delete an invoice payment by using an Online mobile application. 


Creating invoices sometimes could be tricky and there are more chances to make mistakes. After reading this informative blog, you will know how to delete an invoice in Quickbooks or you can do it in batch. All information is explained in detail with easy steps for your understanding. Some links are also provided to go to particular pages to make corrections.

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